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There Leviathan,
Hugest of all living creatures, on the deep
Stretched like a promontory, sleeps or swims,
And seems a moving land, and at his gills
Draws in, and at his trunk spouts out, a sea.
--Paradise Lost
Well played, John Milton, well played.
Hugest of all living creatures, on the deep
Stretched like a promontory, sleeps or swims,
And seems a moving land, and at his gills
Draws in, and at his trunk spouts out, a sea.
--Paradise Lost
Well played, John Milton, well played.
I called special attention to this passage when I taught PL last year. I ended up telling my class all about LEVIATHAN. They thought I was a freak, which I am.
A seaman's duty can be dry and he [Captain Starry Vere] was for irrigating its arridity whenever possible with a decoction of strong waters.
--Billy Budd, Foretoppman
Well imbibed, Mr. Melville, well imbibed.
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