The LEVIATHAN backlog.
Previous traces of LEVIATHAN activity on the internet have been collected under a single tag on my LiveJournal, for anyone looking to delve into the prehistory of this blog.
In other news, Poor Mojo's Giant Squid recently answered the question of how many sharks there are in the whole wide world:
Follow the link to learn more, including how "the shark is like the mighty electron."
In other news, Poor Mojo's Giant Squid recently answered the question of how many sharks there are in the whole wide world:
There are but ten sharks in the world. Thus have there ever been, thus shall there ever be.
Sharks, like unto that great land beast, the Mountain Ash, propagate in a manner asexual, by a system of budding, self-bifurcation and extrusion. Sharks are sexless and joyless beasts, like all creatures who reproduce without the aid of slow music, lubrication, thrusting and alcohol. When one of the members of the "decashark"--which, in all honesty, is best considered as a single entity unto itself, although the unity of its disparate selves is not visible to humans. simple and flawed eyes or to your poor sense of spatial/temporal dimensions--feels threatened, he does but bud through the extradimensional spaces a hive-cloud of a thousand. These hive-cloud echoes of each of the Ur-sharks is what populates the vast shoals of the deep.
Follow the link to learn more, including how "the shark is like the mighty electron."
RE: e pluribus unum and other christo-sharkical creatures
I have just been introduced to Voltron (by Allan and ray) and am intrigued by the mysterious deca- (or tetra-) hedric (if-not-hydric) Metaphysics of Oneness.
I am pleased to learn that a central Voltron character is named Queequeg, that there is water on the planet Arus (do all space movies qualify for leviathan status?) and that Voltron, The Movie, is due to be released in 2008.
Between the Voltron movie and the new Transformers movie, also on the horizon, I am so excited that sometimes I think I might pee my pants.
You have been watching the original Voltron, with the lions, right? I actually cried the day I tuned in and the mechanical lions were race cars. Cried.
If space doesn't automatically qualify a movie for leviathanity, then I think robots should. I know that makes even less sense, but whatever. Either way, both Voltron and Transformers are in.
Yes, see my comment on the Lorre thread. Robots are the new sea-critters (and what could be more Leviathan-like than Unicron?)
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