Lovers of Entertainment featuring Various Insurrections of the Abyss Told as Hydrographic Adventure Narratives

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Will the death not end??

As if it's not enough that Mr. Wizard has kicked the proverbial bucket, it turns out the whale sharks are dying at the Georgia Aquarium:

ATLANTA - Georgia Aquarium officials say it may be months before they know what caused Wednesday's death of another whale shark, the second this year at the only facility outside Asia that displays the huge, rare fish.

Norton's death also came only a few weeks after two new whale sharks arrived at the aquarium from Taiwan. At the time, Taiwan fishery officials had said they were satisfied the aquarium provided the quality care the young whale sharks — named Yushan, which means "Jade Mountain" and Taroko, named after a national park in Taiwan — would need.

Aquarium officials planned a necropsy Wednesday afternoon for Norton. His death came five months after the death of Ralph, another whale shark that was among the aquarium's first stars after it opened in 2005.

Z-Man and I were fortunate to see both Norton and Ralph soon after the aquarium opened. I wonder if one of those shady-looking sea turtles is on a murderous rampage. You never know with those things.


Blogger Zak said...

I saw this item yesterday and was duly saddened.

However, is this any excuse for foreigners coming into this country and taking jobs away from American whale sharks? I'm writing my congressman.

10:01 AM  
Blogger Allan Hazlett said...

What's a "necroscopy"? For my part, I hope these noble sharks are going to be buried in the traditional Taiwanese way -- in the stomachs of two score Taiwanese people.

11:17 AM  

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