Lovers of Entertainment featuring Various Insurrections of the Abyss Told as Hydrographic Adventure Narratives

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Bull shark attacks boat; captain weeps like little girl.

Florida news reports that the "crew of a shrimping boat had to be rescued after a shark took out the ship’s propeller":

Captain Roger Schmall said a group of sharks had been slamming into the Christy Nichole’s hull for four days, the News-Press of Fort Myers reported. But then a 14-foot bull shark broke the boat’s tail shaft, leaving Schmall and his crew of two adrift about 100 miles off the coast.

“It’s pretty scary when you’re sitting there and you got all that water coming in,” Schmall said.
What more can you expect from a man named Captain Schmall?? I would have eaten his propeller myself. Schmall indeed. Do they let just any weenie captain a boat these days?

The bull shark: doesn't sweat the Schmall stuff.



Blogger C. Q. Cumber said...

I am going to be Cap'n Schmall for Halloween.

5:20 AM  

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