It's that time of year again, ye scurvy dogs! In honor of International Talk Like a Pirate Day, I will be reading all of the internets through Sydd Souza's Pirate Speak Translator, and I encourage you to do so as well. I also urge all but the saltiest of sea-dogs to watch this instructional video before attempting any Talking Like a Pirate. You will learn, among other things, how to speak out of the thromborax, and why the correct grammatical construction is not "That there be a buxom wench" but "That there wench be buxom."
[This is a cross-post with my own LiveJournal—not terribly pirate of me, but I'm a lazy blog-lubber this morning.]
[This is a cross-post with my own LiveJournal—not terribly pirate of me, but I'm a lazy blog-lubber this morning.]
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