Move over hot dogs--Jelly Fish to Rule Coney Island
Check out this post from the Deep Sea News---a 60 foot jelly fish sculpture on Coney Island! I especially like how the writer claims that the jellyfish-theme will being Coney Island "into modernity." At last...everything is unfolding as we have forseen it.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Jellyfish to rule Coney Island?

In case you didn’t know, two-headed babies and bearded ladies still breathe fire in Coney Island, near Brooklyn, New York. It’s a great place to go if you’re looking to get away from Manhattan for an afternoon. The ride on the D Train is a cheap one, the beach is (was) pretty nice, and the atmosphere is surreal. A revamped aquarium will add the perfect touch to Coney Island’s sideshow renaissance.
Jellyfish rendering of the proposed West 8 subway stop from Weisz and Yoes Architecture.
More here.
Wow. This must be the best thing ever.
I don't understand how that picture is a rendering of the subway stop. It looks like some kind of extra-terrestrial landscape - will the new Coney Island be located on the surface of Saturn?
Awesome. Incidentally, I saw a sorority girl dressed for Halloween as a luminescent jellyfish at a show on Saturday—her costume involved an elaborately rigged light-up parasol. It was so, so great.
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