Tentacles of Whorror

I can say confidently, even without having heard one second of it, that the Greatest Album in the History of Rock Music is, without a doubt, "Tentacles of Whorror" by...yep, you guessed it: LEVIATHAN. "Simply, the most mesmerizing, transcendental Black Metal ever put to tape," raves TERRORIZER Magazine. Needless to say, I will be purchasing said transcendental Black Metal recording as soon as humanly possible and will offer a full report to you, my fellow enthusiasts. I can't say whether I look forward with a greater quiver of anticipation to "the haunting and low-key second half of 'Vexed and Vomit Hexed' or the abyssic grandeur of "Requiem for a Turd World." These are exciting times.
Love to all.....
HOLY MOLY! This is the most exciting musical news ever to hit the waves. How can i become a groupie for this band (and by groupie, I refer all to the fish called groupie).
I cannot wait for your review, oh Zak, lord of the swashbuckling soundwaves.
Move over sea shanties! These sailors mean business.
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