aw - look at the li'l mermaid!
OK, so obviously she's a cutie, but there's something more than a little fishy about the media coverage of Milagros Cerron ("the Little Mermaid"). Would we care as much if the name for "mermaid syndrome" didn't remind us all of "Splash"? And what do the merpeople think about all of this?
I really hope the bizarreness of this statement can be chalked up to translation issues: "We just need to finish up some touches on her lines. You know, you have to give some form to a mermaid and make her look as a normal person," said Dr Rubio, who has treated Milagros since she was two days old.
I don't think you can chalk up the strangeness of that comment to translation difficulties. The meaning sounds pretty accurate to me. South America is not a PC place.
Well, if she's not "normal," more power to her. She's ridiculously cute.
I think we should consider the possibility that this mermaid's rights have been violated - did she content to being turned from mermaid to human? What next, surgically removing the tentacles from Octopus Man so that he won't freak out passers by on the subway? I say we should celebrate El Miracle Baby, and her fantastic difference ... or maybe differance, I'm not sure. But fuck, what did they do with the fins? Did she lose her magic mermaid powers?
P.S. This "miracle" was obviously timed to coincide with the relase of The Little Mermaid on DVD.
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