Does LEVIATHAN do cute?

I think we must. For THE OCTONAUTS are among us. The little fellow to the left is Captain Barnacles Bear, who, according to the explanation at, "is a polar bear extraordinaire and leader of Octonauts crew. He is always the first to rush in and help when there is trouble. Besides adventuring, Barnacles also enjoys playing his accordion and writing in his captain's log."
"The Octonauts" are apparently the heroes of their own book, "The Octonauts & the Only Lonely Monster," just published by the cutetrepeneurs over at Meomi, also responsible for land-based critters like Slo-Mo Sloth and Emma & Milky. All I know is that I want an Octonauts lunchbox and I want it NOW.
You can pick out the Octonaut that floats your boat at Personally, I identify most with Professor Inkling, sort of a cephalopod version of Dr. Xavier:

And if Zak is requesting an Octonauts lunchbox, then I want an Octonauts sleeping bag! I picture a sleeping bag shaped like a giant octopus (of course!) with tentacles and everything....and when I take my Octonaut sleeping bag to slumber parties, the tentacles come alive at night and strangle all the other children and/or fish that might be present.
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