Question: are Ariel and/or Eric from
The Little Mermaid sexual perverts? They both have serious cross-species romantic feelings, and Eric can't even get it up for Ariel when she's temporarily tranformed into a human (although he gets over this by the end of the movie). There is definitely a worry that he's just after a piece of tail, and that she is far to impressed with his ability to
walk upright.

Part of what matters here is what the categories of "merperson" and "human" are, in the world of the movie. Is the Ariel-Eric relationship the equivalent of me having a relationship with a chimpanzee (i.e. perverted)? Or is it more like "jungle fever" (i.e. not perverted)? If the latter, I'm vaguely disgusted by the film's ending: Ariel permanently abandoning her mermaid identity to join up with the race of land-lubbers. I never was sure why Eric couldn't be transformed into a merman, which seemed a lot cooler than being human, given the compelling arguments presented in "Under the Sea".
Conclusion: Ariel (who yearns to
not be something "of the sea") is the anti-Lorre (who defies his landed origins and yearns to be "of the sea"), in other words, she is
pure evil!