Lovers of Entertainment featuring Various Insurrections of the Abyss Told as Hydrographic Adventure Narratives

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hello, Dunkleosteus terrelli!

If this article is to be believe d, there is another creature we must add to the pantheon of LEVIATHAN stars. Apparently, the Dunkleosteus terrelli, despite (or as a consequence of?) its silly-sounding name, "could bite a shark in two."

Dunkleosteus terrelli lived 400 million years ago, grew up to 33 feet long and weighed up to four tons. Scientist have known for years that it was a dominant predator, but new embargoed research to be published in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters on November 29 reveals that the force of this predator’s bite was remarkably powerful: 11,000 pounds. The bladed dentition focused the bite force into a small area, the fang tip, at an incredible force of 80,000 pounds per square inch.

Even more surprising is the fact that this fish could also open its mouth very quickly—in just one fiftieth of a second—which created a strong suction force, pulling fast prey into its mouth. Usually a fish has either a powerful bite or a fast bite, but not both.


“Dunkleosteus was able to devour anything in its environment,” said Philip Anderson, at the Department of Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago and lead author of the research. The bladed jaws, capable of ripping apart prey larger than its own mouth, is a feature sharks didn’t develop until 100 million years later.

I don't know what to say. That's just fucking awesome.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Does LEVIATHAN do cute?

I think we must. For THE OCTONAUTS are among us. The little fellow to the left is Captain Barnacles Bear, who, according to the explanation at www.octonauts.com, "is a polar bear extraordinaire and leader of Octonauts crew. He is always the first to rush in and help when there is trouble. Besides adventuring, Barnacles also enjoys playing his accordion and writing in his captain's log."

"The Octonauts" are apparently the heroes of their own book, "The Octonauts & the Only Lonely Monster," just published by the cutetrepeneurs over at Meomi, also responsible for land-based critters like Slo-Mo Sloth and Emma & Milky. All I know is that I want an Octonauts lunchbox and I want it NOW.

You can pick out the Octonaut that floats your boat at octonauts.com/octonauts.html. Personally, I identify most with Professor Inkling, sort of a cephalopod version of Dr. Xavier:

Friday, November 03, 2006

Awesome Underwater Maritime-Themed New Years Party!

On a submarine, with Peter Lorre scheduled to M.C.:


All LEVIATHAN members will get free tartar sauce from 9:00 - 11:00.