Lovers of Entertainment featuring Various Insurrections of the Abyss Told as Hydrographic Adventure Narratives
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Move over hot dogs--Jelly Fish to Rule Coney Island
Check out this post from the Deep Sea News---a 60 foot jelly fish sculpture on Coney Island! I especially like how the writer claims that the jellyfish-theme will being Coney Island "into modernity." At last...everything is unfolding as we have forseen it.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Jellyfish to rule Coney Island?

In case you didn’t know, two-headed babies and bearded ladies still breathe fire in Coney Island, near Brooklyn, New York. It’s a great place to go if you’re looking to get away from Manhattan for an afternoon. The ride on the D Train is a cheap one, the beach is (was) pretty nice, and the atmosphere is surreal. A revamped aquarium will add the perfect touch to Coney Island’s sideshow renaissance.
Jellyfish rendering of the proposed West 8 subway stop from Weisz and Yoes Architecture.
More here.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Google's rough translation into English provides very little illumination. By far the greatest is #5, "Le Parole":

I'd be suspicious of that rooster too!
Google's rough translation into English provides very little illumination. By far the greatest is #5, "Le Parole":

I'd be suspicious of that rooster too!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Steve Irwin was only the first...
"US officials say they are shocked at the attack on Mr Bertakis.
"It was a freak accident," David Donzella, acting fire chief in Mr Bertakis' hometown of Lighthouse Point, was quoted as saying by the Associated Press news agency.
"It's very odd that the thing jumped out of the water and stung him. We still can't believe it," he said.

You'd better believe it; stingrays hate freedom!
"US officials say they are shocked at the attack on Mr Bertakis.
"It was a freak accident," David Donzella, acting fire chief in Mr Bertakis' hometown of Lighthouse Point, was quoted as saying by the Associated Press news agency.
"It's very odd that the thing jumped out of the water and stung him. We still can't believe it," he said.

You'd better believe it; stingrays hate freedom!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Post-Colonial Jellyfish
While cavorting in Sydney on the weekend I had occasion to consider the following question: do colonial jellyfish exist? Nestled in deep chairs, perched in a revolving restaurant 46 stories up, our conversation meandered to the point at which it became necessary to wonder: is a Portugese Man-of-War (named in Australia a "bluebubble", by someone who obviously wanted children to play with one) a unity, or a mere plurality?

The supposed man-of-war is comprised (I hesitate to say composed!) of four distinct sorts of "polyps" - and these are said to be individuals, distinct organisms in their own right. Our question then: is this Voltron of the sea one or many? For that matter, is Voltron one or many?

And so the revolving restaurant revolved, and the harbour came into view, and I think I imagined that I saw the sail (or, less magestically, the "bladder") of a Bluebubble encroaching on the that estuary's empty entrance. Man-of-war sails come in two types - "right handed" and "left handed" - so that only fifty percent of them will ever wash up on shore at once. For every bloated Man-of-War corpse that lies, dehydrating, on the shore, there is a proud opposite-sailed counterpart, carried to sea by the wind, in quest of nothing more than to not lie, dehydrating, on the shore. It is doubtful that the Man-of-War herself, given such a life, ruled by luck and limited ambition, has worries about her existence (which is just to say that l'en-meduses does not become l'pour-meduses). But should that fact encourage us one way or another, on this matter of the Man-of-War's being?

The supposed man-of-war is comprised (I hesitate to say composed!) of four distinct sorts of "polyps" - and these are said to be individuals, distinct organisms in their own right. Our question then: is this Voltron of the sea one or many? For that matter, is Voltron one or many?

And so the revolving restaurant revolved, and the harbour came into view, and I think I imagined that I saw the sail (or, less magestically, the "bladder") of a Bluebubble encroaching on the that estuary's empty entrance. Man-of-war sails come in two types - "right handed" and "left handed" - so that only fifty percent of them will ever wash up on shore at once. For every bloated Man-of-War corpse that lies, dehydrating, on the shore, there is a proud opposite-sailed counterpart, carried to sea by the wind, in quest of nothing more than to not lie, dehydrating, on the shore. It is doubtful that the Man-of-War herself, given such a life, ruled by luck and limited ambition, has worries about her existence (which is just to say that l'en-meduses does not become l'pour-meduses). But should that fact encourage us one way or another, on this matter of the Man-of-War's being?