How shitty is too shitty?
Question of virtue: is there a maritime-themed movie that is too shitty to watch? Or, more urgently for someone in my current position, too shitty to watch instead of Sportscenter? Starting in a few minutes on cable:

1996's Down Periscope. Kelsey Grammar was high as a newborn kitten on cocaine during the production, filming, release, and mastering-to-DVD of this movie, and I can't say I dissaprove of that - the 90's were fucking awesome, and I think it was as good a time to celebrate as any. (Don't forget: crazy-fucked-up New Year's party at the GCB begins in T-minus-13-days, and counting.) But I don't know if I can live with myself if I watch this movie. Lord knows I saw it when it came out on VHS. Did I not do my part then?

1996's Down Periscope. Kelsey Grammar was high as a newborn kitten on cocaine during the production, filming, release, and mastering-to-DVD of this movie, and I can't say I dissaprove of that - the 90's were fucking awesome, and I think it was as good a time to celebrate as any. (Don't forget: crazy-fucked-up New Year's party at the GCB begins in T-minus-13-days, and counting.) But I don't know if I can live with myself if I watch this movie. Lord knows I saw it when it came out on VHS. Did I not do my part then?